Contract logistics

Optimum contract logistics with allgaier:
your value-creation chain in experienced hands

In a world of complex process chains and extensive business volumes, a made-to-measure solution for all of your logistics requirements is of decisive importance. At allgaier, we understand that appropriately compiled service packages and a long-term, trustful partnership are the keys to success; they increase your competitiveness markedly.


allgaier contract logistics is the right choice – our comprehensive service range covers all aspects of the logistics value-creation chain:

Transport, turnover and warehousing
We ensure that your goods reach their destination on time and securely.
Inventory management
Optimise your warehouse inventory and minimise costs.
Production logistics
Manage your production processes efficiently for friction-free workflows.
We offer a comprehensive service from receipt of goods, to picking, right through to packaging.
Outbound logistics
We optimise shipping and ensure that your products are distributed worldwide.
Value-added services
These include returns, spare parts, disposal and much more.


Tap into our experience and commitment to contract logistics to optimise your value-creation chain and increase your business success.