Cash management and cash processing

Modern cash management and efficient cash processing

The greatest potential to save costs can be found in optimising the entire value-creation chain. Our integrated solutions for cash management and cash processing can support you in reducing your cost structure and creating space for you to concentrate on your core competencies. In our ultra-modern and video-monitored premises, all money is precisely counted, picked and packed in accordance with Bundesbank regulations.

Order processing

up until one day before scheduled delivery

Using CashEDI or CPTO, you can process your orders conveniently and efficiently until shortly before the scheduled delivery, including writing cheques.


all orders (notes & coins)

We bundle your orders of banknotes and coins to optimise the processes and reduce costs.

Cost-optimised planning

at the Bundesbank

Our experts ensure that your cash stocks are coordinated at the Bundesbank in a cost-efficient manner.

Precise picking

of notes and coins orders

We take care of accurately composing your orders of banknotes and coins.

Document management, monitoring

and main cash register function

Our services include comprehensive document management, continuous monitoring and execution of main cash register functions.

Same-day, audit-ready stock reconciliation

of customer money

Our same-day, audit-ready stock reconciliation ensures that your customer money is managed in a transparent and secure manner.

Efficient coin


Coins are usually processed within 1-2 working days of acceptance, using annually inspected machines in accordance with Bundesbank specifications.

Coin pools

for banks and savings banks

We offer special coin pools to optimally satisfy the demands of banks and savings banks.

Video-monitored counting of

ATMs / CRSs / automatic money transporters with certified machines according to the ECB standard

Our certified machines ensure that automatic teller machines (ATMs), cash recycling systems (CRSs) and automatic money transporters are counted precisely and securely according to the standards of the European Central Bank (ECB).